
All qualifications are work-based, therefore learners must be employed in a related job role.

  1. Advice and Guidance
  2. Assessment and Quality Assurance
  3. Business Administration
  4. Career Information, Advice and Guidance
  5. Children's Care, Learning and Development
  6. Customer Service
  7. Learning and Development
  8. Management
  9. Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools

Advice and Guidance

These qualifications are for those working with clients in organisations providing advice and guidance services, they are aimed at trained advisers who have up to date and specialist knowledge for the services they are providing to clients. The types of services include community settings such as employment or housing, in an organisation within human resources or training and development, or in health or social care related services. Initially endorsed by Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK), these qualification standards have now been incorporated into the Government backed Education and Training Foundation.

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Assessment and Quality Assurance

These qualifications are for people working in or looking to enter roles in assessment and internal quality assurance. They have been developed by Lifelong Learning UK to replace the Assessor and Verifier (A&V) Units. They are designed for use in England, Wales and Northern Ireland – alternative arrangements exist in Scotland.

The units and qualifications will provide people who carry out assessment roles in their organisation with the opportunity to develop and improve their practice as well as achieving a professional qualification for the role. They are available to anyone working in: accredited learning; non accredited learning (where people may assess performance but do not assess for a qualification); the NQF and the QCF.

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Business Administration

These qualifications in Business Administration are for people who are already employed in administrative or administrative support roles in public or private sector organisations, or people who want to improve their administrative and supervisory skills. A qualification in Business and Administration can help you succeed in a support role in any size or type of organisation.

These roles include:

  • Secretary/Receptionist
  • Administrator
  • Personal Assistant
  • Office Supervisor/Team Leader
  • Manager

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Career Information, Advice and Guidance

These qualifications were introduced after extensive consultation with the career guidance sector, they form part of a new qualification strategy for the career information, advice and guidance sector in England. They are specifically designed for those working in the new National Careers Service, external agency and voluntary service guidance roles and roles where staff who work in other organisations provide career advice and guidance, information, employability and signposting as part of their wider work role.

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Children's Care, Learning and Development

The key purpose for those working in children’s care learning and development has been identified by the Sector Skills Boards to be: 

‘To provide, in partnership with communities and other agencies, a firm foundation for growth, learning and development for children and their families. This includes creating, developing and maintaining environments and services that enable children to have the best possible experience of childhood and to enable them and their families to make the most of opportunities to achieve their full potential.’

This range of qualifications is available to professionals working in a variety of roles relating to children and young people, including social care, residential and early years.

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Customer Service

The demand for customer service exists in all sectors of industry and commerce in the UK. Due to the diversity of customer service job roles and the generic ‘all sector’ nature of customer service standards, at least three million people work in this area as illustrated by research carried out by the Institute of Customer Service.

These qualifications have been introduced by the Council for Administration which is the Government’s recognised standard setting organisation for business skills at work. They were developed following extensive consultation with the customer service industry and the Institute of Customer Service.

They are aimed at anyone who works in a customer-facing role and can demonstrate their ability to create a great customer service experience, or people who work or want to work in the customer service sector and other related sectors e.g. contact centre and sales. It allows learners to develop and practice the skills required in employment.

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Learning and Development

These qualifications were developed by Lifelong Learning UK (LLUK). Development work on these qualifications followed a nine-month review of the Learning and Development National Occupational Standards by LLUK in consultation with practitioners and managers in the sector, Awarding Organisations and other key stakeholders.

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These qualifications are aimed at practising first line, middle and senior managers and are based on the 2014 National Occupational Standards for leadership and management.

The Level 3 Diploma is aimed at first-line managers and the Level 5 Diploma is aimed at middle managers.

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Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools

These qualifications for school support staff have been developed in partnership by the Training and Development Agency for Schools (TDA) and Awarding Organisations. All of the qualifications in this suite have been informed by the National Occupational Standards (NOS) in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools (2007) which also underpin NVQs in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools at Levels 2 and 3.

Whilst the Certificate has been designed to meet the needs of those already supporting children and young people in schools, the Award develops knowledge and understanding and so is suitable for those seeking a role in school as well as those already employed.

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All our qualifications are on the Regulated Qualifications Framework for England and Northern Ireland and the Credit and Qualifications Framework for Wales.

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