Level 4 NVQ Diploma in Business Administration

Who is it for?

To achieve this qualification you will be employed in a role with administrative management responsibilities. You will demonstrate management responsibilities through a range of activities such as resource management, negotiating, agreeing budgets and promoting innovation and change, resolving administrative problems – with the authority to present a solution without needing to consult others, being able to analyse, evaluate and reflect all aspects of your work and providing examples of significant changes and improvements you have made within your work.

What topics does the qualification cover?

  • Communicate in a Business Environment: different styles of communication, effective communication in writing and verbally, planning communications, in a wide range of situations and developing communication skills.
  • Manage Personal and Professional Development: identify personal and professional development requirements, fulfil and maintain a personal and professional development plan. 
  • Manage the Work of an Administrative Function:  organising the work of an administrative function, managing administrative workflows, considering the impact of IT systems, budgetary constraints & stakeholder feedback, setting objectives using Key Performance Indicators.
  • Resolve Administrative Problems: identifying and resolving administrative problems, evaluating a range of problems using theory such as Case & Effect Analysis & the 6 Stage Model.

Plus a range of options to choose covering a variety of tasks and skills such as: leadership and direction, information systems, events and meetings, customer service, contracts and tenders, change and innovation, projects, business processes and problems.

Programme structure

You will provide evidence of your work practice, including completing assignments, case studies, written accounts and providing work products. Evidence is uploaded to an e-portfolio which is available 24/7 on computers, tablets and mobile devices.

An Open University assessor will observe work-based practice on at least one occasion, assess evidence uploaded to the e-portfolio and provide developmental feedback.

You will have access through VQLearner Home to online resources specific to your qualification and links to suggested further study with The Open University.

Support will be provided throughout the qualification by the VQAC Learner Support Team.

Next steps

If you are interested in this qualification, find out how to register or email us with any additional questions you have.

Course Summary


18 months

Credit Value

57 credits

Total Qualification Time

570 hours



Further Information

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To register

Registration page

Registration agreement

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