About Vocational Qualifications

Vocational Qualifications are nationally recognised and are based on standards that have been developed across the industry.

They clearly set out the skills and knowledge expected of individuals working across a range of occupations at different levels. The standards are agreed by a cross-section of people working within each industry and they relate directly to the skills and knowledge a person needs to demonstrate when they are competent in a given area of work.


How the VQ assessment works

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To achieve a Vocational Qualification (VQ), you must demonstrate to your assessor that you can satisfy the assessment criteria and therefore achieve the learning outcomes. To do this you must put forward evidence which clearly demonstrates your competence to your assessor.

The assessment process is the joint responsibility of you, your assessor and the Vocational Qualification Assessment Centre (VQAC) at The Open University. This process begins when you complete the registration agreement for your chosen qualification. The VQ Centre will contact you if there are any concerns or questions regarding your current work role sand the qualification you have chosen.

In the first stages of your qualification, you may explore and define your development needs and identify training required. It will set the scene for the future assessment of your evidence, which will be agreed between you and your assessor.

Usually, an assessor (sometimes an independent assessor) or expert witness will observe you in the course of your work (although assessment will also involve your assessor reviewing your portfolio of other evidence). 

VQ assessment is designed to take account of each learner’s needs and experiences and to give credit for previous achievements, as long as these are still current (normally work carried out within the past two years) and you remain competent.

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Distance learning

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Distance learning means that you study on your own, at home and in the workplace. The Open University’s unique style of distance learning is called supported ‘Open Learning’. It’s ‘open’ because you learn in your own time, reading material supplied and completing online assessment activities with regular support from your assessor and us. You will also need support from your line manager or workplace supporter.

You’ll enjoy full support whilst completing your qualification, with an assessor to guide, advise and offer comprehensive feedback on your assessment. Your assessor can be contacted by phone or online. Support is also offered by staff here at the VQAC.

The majority of qualifications include observation visits when your assessor will observe you in your workplace.

You will also have access to the VQLearner Home website which contains a variety of resources to support your qualification.

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Step-by-Step process

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  1. You decide which qualification you want to do in conjunction with us by selecting both the appropriate level and qualification.
  2. You follow a series of assessment plans that form your qualification. An assessment plan may cover one or more units across a range of assessment methods.
  3. You start the process of collecting evidence. Evidence is anything that you can use to demonstrate your competence in your work role. It is expected that you will provide a range of evidence types to support your demonstration of competence.
  4. You present your evidence for assessment. All your written evidence is presented on an e-portfolio and you can upload attachments such as samples of records, screen shots, photographs, video, audio recordings and witness testimonies.
  5. Your assessor approves your evidence. Your assessor will assess each activity you submit for assessment, map it to the units you are working towards and they will give you assessment feedback.
  6. Quality assurance - internal quality assurers review examples of assessment decisions and external quality assurers audit the whole process.
  7. Certification. Once the qualification is complete your certificate will be claimed from the Awarding Organisation.

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Your e-portfolio

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Your e-portfolio is an online folder which holds the following:

  • the assessment plans that make up your qualification
  • the written evidence you develop
  • the attachments you upload
  • the assessment feedback

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These Open University-wide documents are also relevant to you:

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Contact us

If you need further information about anything related to Vocational Qualifications, you can contact the VQ team directly:

You can email us.

Or Chat to us using the ‘Contact us’ button on this page.

If you would prefer to speak to one of our VQ advisors, you can leave a message on our answer phone service and someone will be call you back to answer your query. You can do this by calling 01908 653774, or +44 (0) 1908 653774 if calling from outside the UK. It may take up to 2 working days to receive a response depending on volumes of requests received. Please remember to leave your name and contact details so we can answer your query.

Please also feel free to browse our frequently asked questions in the meantime.

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