Level 2 Award in Support Work in Schools

Course Summary

Duration: 9 months

Credit Value: 9 credits

Total Qualification Time: 120 hours

Fee: £1500

Further Information:

Who is it for?

To achieve this qualification, you may be:

  • not yet part of the school workforce but looking for a qualification that will increase your employability
  • newly employed in a school and wanting a qualification as part of early training/induction
  • already working in a school but looking to progress

What topics does the qualification cover?

  • Child and young person development: developing knowledge and understanding of child and young person development and the factors, including transitions, which may affect development.
  • Safeguarding the welfare of children and young people: developing knowledge and understanding required for safeguarding the welfare of children and young people. Legislation, guidelines and policies, emergency procedures, responding to evidence or concerns relating to abuse, harm and bullying.
  • Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults: developing knowledge and understanding which underpins effective communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults. Interacting, responding and communicating, confidentiality and sharing information.
  • Equality, diversity and inclusion in work with children and young people: developing knowledge and understanding of policies and practices to promote equality, diversity and inclusion, the impact of prejudice and discrimination, inclusive practices.
  • Schools as organisations: preparing to work in a school through developing knowledge and understanding of the school context. Types of schools, how schools are organised, aims and values and policies / procedures.

Programme structure

You will provide evidence of your knowledge and understanding, including completing assignments and written accounts. Evidence is uploaded to an e-portfolio which is available 24/7 on computers, tablets and mobile devices.

An Open University assessor will assess evidence uploaded to the e-portfolio and provide developmental feedback.

You will have access through VQLearner Home to online resources specific to your qualification and links to suggested further study with The Open University.

Support will be provided throughout the qualification by the VQAC Learner Support Team.

Next steps

If you are interested in this qualification, find out how to register or email us with any additional questions you have.

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