Level 3 Certificate in Learning and Development

Who is it for?

To achieve this qualification you will be a learning and development practitioner whose work role is mainly concerned with learning and development practice. You will be working in either accredited learning; non-accredited learning (where you may be training and assessing skills but not assessing a formal qualification) or with RQF qualifications. You may be currently working or want to work as trainers/tutors/assessors in a range of sectors. These qualifications allow you to learn, develop and practise the skills required for employment and/or career progression as a trainer/tutor/assessor in many sectors.

What topics does the qualification cover?

  • Understand the principles and practices of learning and development: understanding the learning and development cycle, needs of learners, roles and responsibilities of a learning and development practitioner, legislation and organisational requirements.  
  • Reflect on and improve own practice in learning and development: reflect on, evaluate and improve learning and development practice.  

Plus a range of optional units to choose covering a variety of skills such as: facilitating learning and development for groups and/or individuals, identifying learning and development needs, plan, prepare and develop learning opportunities and learning resources.

Programme structure

You will provide evidence of your work practice, including completing assignments, case studies, written accounts and providing work products. Evidence is uploaded to an e-portfolio which is available 24/7 on computers, tablets and mobile devices.

An Open University assessor will observe work-based practice on at least one occasion, assess evidence uploaded to the e-portfolio and provide developmental feedback.

You will have access through VQLearner Home to online resources specific to your qualification and links to suggested further study with The Open University.

Support will be provided throughout the qualification by the VQAC Learner Support Team.

Next steps

If you are interested in this qualification, find out how to register or email us with any additional questions you have.

Course Summary


12 months

Credit Value

30 credits

Total Qualification Time

300 hours



Further Information

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To register

Registration page

Registration agreement

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