Whitepapers and reports

The Open University’s extensive thought leadership output sees the regular publication of reports across a wide range of themes and sectors. Working with partner organisations, employers and guest writers, we look at the latest skills landscape and help you proactively plan for a successful future.

New whitepaper - Driving business value through flexible learning

The Open University, in collaboration with TrainingZone, has launched a report to help employers reap the benefits of flexible learning.

29th April 2020

Access to Apprenticeships

Access to Apprenticeships is a new report by The Open University (OU) which explores access to, and the availability of, apprenticeships for people with declared disabilities. It is based on the results of a major survey of over 700 large and small employers across England.

25th September 2019

Open University partnership with IBM featured in new report

A partnership between The Open University and IBM features in the new State of the Relationship report by The National Centre for Universities and Business (NCUB), launched today.

18th June 2019
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