Foundation Degree in Nursing Associate Practice

The Foundation Degree in Nursing Associate Practice is delivered in collaboration with healthcare employers. Students will develop their knowledge, skills and behaviours to the level required of a Nursing Associate and on successful completion of the programme are eligible to apply for registration with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC) as a registered Nursing Associate.

The Nursing Associate role has been developed in response to workforce needs and acts as a bridge between Healthcare Assistants (HCA) and Registered Nurses within healthcare teams. Our Foundation Degree in Nursing Associate Practice helps learners develop the knowledge and skills needed to deliver high quality, safe and compassionate care in preparation for this new role in healthcare.

Nursing Associates will have the breadth of knowledge and flexible, transferable skill set to serve the health needs of local communities, covering the full life span and a range of care settings. Nursing Associates need to be adaptable, reliable, and consistent. In addition, they are required to demonstrate resilience, self-awareness and leadership skills.

Available in England, the OU’s Foundation Degree in Nursing Associate Practice provides a direct entry route for self-funding employees, or an alternative option to our Nursing Associate Higher Apprenticeship route for non-levy paying healthcare organisations.


The Open University (OU) has worked in partnership with healthcare employers for over 20 years to deliver highly successful work-based nursing programmes. We offer:

  • The opportunity to develop your employees with the knowledge and skills needed to deliver high-quality, safe and compassionate care in the workplace. 
  • Extensive experience in developing learners’ study skills as they engage in the programme.
  • Online content and forums, available 24/7, to support high-quality education and learning regardless of location.
  • Tutor-supported, online learning delivered flexibly around the demands of your organisation, enabling students to balance study with personal commitments. 
  • Experience in supporting learners, whatever their prior attainment.
  • Students can apply what they learn immediately to their practice, for the benefit of the organisation.

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The Foundation Degree in Nursing Associate Practice is suitable for the development of existing HCAs to advance into registered Nursing Associate roles. 

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Employers must commit to the following Foundation Degree in Nursing Associate Practice programme requirements:

  • Collaborate with the OU as part of the NMC Modification Process, to be approved as an employer partner.
  • Ensure students have protected practice learning time whilst working in their core practice setting under the supervision of a registered healthcare practitioner.
  • Provide students with a practice assessor and practice supervisors as per the NMC (2018) Standards for student supervision and assessment.
  • Provide practice learning experiences for students which meet the NMC (2018) Standards for pre-registration nursing associate programmes.
  • Identify and arrange alternative practice experiences where the student undertakes at least 460 hours of supernumerary practice (in consultation with the OU). Placements outside the students’ core base need to allow students experience in all fields of nursing practice (Adult, Children & Young People, Learning Disabilities and Mental Health) and with individuals across the lifespan.
  • Provide at least 460 hours of academic theory time for students to study module materials.

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The Open University does not set any formal entry requirements other than those set by the NMC. Employers are free to set their own additional criteria.  

To register for this qualification, candidates will need to:

  • Be employed, sponsored, or hosted by an NHS Trust or other healthcare organisation that can provide the required practice learning experience.
  • Complete an entrance interview.
  • Evidence literacy and numeracy skills at functional skills level 2 or equivalent, e.g. GCSE at grade C or above in English and Maths
  • Demonstrate their ability to study at academic level 4 and the potential to progress to level 5.

Trainee nursing associates will need to be employed in a setting where they can be appropriately supervised by a registered nurse or other appropriate health or care professional.

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With a focus on holistic, person-centred care, students will develop and demonstrate effective interpersonal skills which meet service users’ needs and rights to be treated with dignity and privacy in a compassionate and caring manner. Based on the NMC (2018) Standards of proficiency for nursing associates, students will study the theory and practice of topics such as:

  • Being an accountable professional
  • Promoting health and preventing ill health
  • Providing and monitoring care
  • Improving safety and quality of care
  • Contributing to integrated care
  • Professional values and parameters of practice
  • Person-centred approaches to delivering nursing care
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Team working
  • Supporting learning and assessment in practice
  • Research, development and innovation

The programme has start dates in February and October each year. It takes between 2-3 years to complete the standard route, with extended routes taking between 3-4 years.

The Foundation Degree is a partnership between the OU and your organisation, starting with the recruitment and selection process which is led by an OU Staff Tutor. The Nursing Associate programme consists of theory and practice learning. The OU delivers the theory elements via online learning and formative and summative assessments.

The programme is split into two stages with a 60-credit theory module and a 60-credit practice module in each stage:


Stage 1

Stage 2



Introducing health and social care
(60 credits)
Healthcare theory for practice
(60 credits)

Foundation Degree in Nursing Associate Practice awarded

Registration with the NMC as a Nursing Associate


Introduction to healthcare practice
(60 credits)
Developing nursing practice
(60 credits)

Foundation Degree in Nursing Associate Practice awarded

Registration with the NMC as a Nursing Associate

During the course, students will experience in at least two placements in alternative settings to their usual workplace (a minimum of 460 hours in total), so they will have experience of providing care in all fields of practice, across the lifespan and in primary, secondary and specialist areas.  On successful completion of the course, they will be able to register as a nursing associate with the NMC (subject to NMC approval).

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The Open University has the experience and support in place to help students succeed and make a positive impact on practice.

The OU will deploy expert staff to support your organisation and your learners. They will work collaboratively with the relevant roles in your organisation.

Practice Tutor (PT)/Academic Assessor

Supports and quality assures learning in practice across the entire programme. Supports students, practice assessors and practice supervisors using online approaches and face-to-face meetings, aligned with students completing specified parts of their practice modules.

Academic Module Tutor

Facilitates students’ learning within the theory modules at each stage of the qualification through personalised tuition, delivery of online tutorials, marking of assignments and detailed feedback.

Nursing Staff Tutor

The local lead academic who supports your organisation to deliver the Foundation Degree in Nursing Associate Practice to meet both organisational needs and the quality assurance requirements set by the NMC, with respect to practice learning requirements.

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Please note registration cannot be completed online for this qualification. Interested employers and individuals should contact us on +44 (0)300 303 0529 for information on how to apply.  Employing organisations may also contact our business team advisors.

Individuals who are interested in pursuing this qualification can find out more information on our Foundation Degree in Nursing Associate Practice webpage for prospective students.

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Programme Summary

Location: England


  • 2–4 years depending on start date and study intensity.

Qualifications achieved at the end of the programme

  • Foundation Degree in Nursing Associate Practice 

Specific entry requirements

Recognition of prior learning (RPL)

Contact us

England: Employers should contact us on +44 (0)300 303 0529 or contact our business team advisors for more details.

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