Learning solutions for the Transport and Logistics Sector

The future world of work will make increasing demands on the transport and logistics sector to reform and reinvent its ways of working. This transformation will require new skills and more flexible workforces. The Open University, with its vast experience in providing scalable and flexible work-based learning and development solutions can help futureproof your workforce and deliver consistent quality across diverse workforces, professions and locations across all four nations of the UK.

It is The Open University’s mission to open up education for all, and our passion to support flexible work-based learning.

Learn more about the Open University's partnership with (CILT) UK

How we can help shape your organisation for the future

Tap into our experts

Our academics research not only education and the most effective ways of learning, but also key areas such as the environment, supply chain management and leadership:

  • Knowledge Transfer Partnerships
  • Consultancy projects
  • Collaborative R&D projects/grant applications

Flexibility and adaptability

We can support your existing learning materials and address the gaps you may have:

  • Bespoke learning embedded into company Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs)
  • Partnership working in curated content
  • Course mapping to support self-directed learning to instil a learning culture
  • Accreditation of own content

Global and national reach

Our courses are predominantly online (with optional blended learning), which means employees can study anywhere and at any time.

Flexible online learning

Logistics engineer

Courses and qualifications for your workforce

The Open University's range of courses and qualifications can be used to demonstrate knowledge, competence and continuing professional development. .

Open University education at-a-glance

Undergraduate and postgraduate qualifications

We can provide progression pathways from non-accredited courses, through to certificate, diplomas, undergraduate degrees and Master's degrees.

Customised and tailor made learning

We will work with you to define your requirements, and collaborate with you to design and deliver bespoke learning solutions.

Short courses

Courses available to build skills in including leadership, all aspects of management, finance, law, health, languages, digital, economics, science and statistics.

Degree apprenticeships

The Open University is one of the largest providers of degree apprenticeships and delivers across management, leadership, digital and other professions.

Vocational qualifications

Qualifications based on nationally recognised standards that have been developed across the industry.


Microcredentials deliver cutting edge knowledge in short credit bearing courses that allow employees to gain specialist knowledge to help advance careers.

Free learning

The OpenLearn free learning platform has helped millions of learners gain new skills for their careers and gain confidence in online learning.

Success stories

Find out how we have successfully worked with employers in the Transport and Logistics sector to deliver flexible learning.

Learn more about our faculties

At the heart of The Open University’s teaching are its faculties, schools and institutes.


Watch our videos to find out how Uber partners with the OU to give eligible drivers the opportunity to access fully funded education. 

Find out how we can help your organisation

Please contact us to speak to one of our business team advisors.

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