The Open University trains cyber security team in Inverness

The Capgemini team

The Open University is delivering a Graduate Apprenticeship in Cyber Security to eight Capgemini employees in Inverness.

The Graduate Apprenticeship has been designed so that employees who have already completed a relevant MA will be fast-tracked through the programme. The Graduate Apprenticeship, which is fully funded by Skills Development Scotland and supported by the European Social Fund, will allow the team members to work towards a BSc Hons in Cyber Security, an advanced route of progression that leads on from a Modern Apprenticeship (MA).

Suzanne McQuade, business relationships manager at The Open University, said: “We deliver Graduate Apprenticeships in Cyber Security, available at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, and in Software Development.

“We’re proud to work with Capgemini to support the continued progression of their cyber security team through our apprenticeship provision. Our unique online distance learning delivery means that the team can learn at work, increasing efficiency and reducing time away from the workplace.

“Graduate Apprenticeships allow employers like Capgemini to upskill their workforce and attract and retain talent. That’s especially important in the Highlands and Islands. As the world of work rapidly evolves, Graduate Apprenticeships are hugely beneficial to employers of all types and sizes.”

Darren Robbins, Deputy Manager at Capgemini’s Security Operations Centre in Inverness, said: “As a consulting, technology services and digital transformation company, we are committed to our employees’ development to help them unlock their potential. Through this new Graduate Apprenticeship offer, we’re now able to provide them with a more advanced qualification to accelerate their careers. “Our apprentices will use their workplace experience and studies to gain a degree, and Capgemini and our clients will benefit from their new knowledge and understanding of cyber security."

“The Graduate Apprenticeship will be delivered fully online, which The Open University specialises in, which means our apprentices don’t need to travel to learning centres or lectures. It’s a flexible apprenticeship that will benefit them and the company. Once they have gained their degree, there is the option to continue to postgraduate level in cyber security, which is a fantastic opportunity.”

Darren Robbins
Deputy manager, Capgemini Security Operations Centre

Employers across Scotland that want to build their team’s IT skills and capacity should contact The Open University to find out more about Graduate Apprenticeships. Fully-funded by Skills Development Scotland and supported by the European Social Fund, they are available to existing and new employees aged 16 and over who live and work in Scotland.

Skills Development Scotland Director of Critical Skills and Occupations, Diane Greenlees said: “Offering Graduate Apprenticeships online through The Open University further demonstrates that apprenticeships are accessible and supports individuals and businesses to succeed. “Employers continue to see work-based learning as the means to meeting their critical skills needs and Graduate Apprenticeships respond to a demand for high level skills in occupations such as Cyber Security.”

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