We work with organisations to understand their challenges and provide solutions to skills shortages through our vast array of learning and development programmes.
Find out how our proven track record of delivering supported, online, distance learning could help your organisation.
Are you looking to become an apprentice or looking for information for how your employer can help you to develop your own skills and knowledge? Read our guide.
High quality work-based learning, delivered at scale and flexibly to suit your organisation's needs.
We can provide progression pathways from non-accredited courses, through to certificate, diplomas, undergraduate degrees and Master's degrees.
Develop and enhance the skills within your organisation with our CPD courses and microcredentials.
Develop the knowledge, skills and behaviours required for in-demand digital roles.
Bridge the digital skills gap with expert training and innovative solutions.
Empower future leaders with essential skills for success and growth.
Strengthen the social workforce with vital training and support.
Build a skilled, compassionate workforce for quality care services.
Learn why more than 2,700 organisations across public, private and third sectors have chosen us to provide their staff development solutions. Our flexible approach will help meet your individual needs.
This new report sees TrainingZone and The Open University dig deeper into the skills challenges faced across the public sector and the major factors that continue to influence efficiency and service delivery.
Browse our latest learning and development resources and keep informed of the latest news and trends.
We’re on a number of the most commonly used national Frameworks/Dynamic Purchasing Systems (DPS), so that you can easily commission our services in line with your organisation’s procurement rules.
Open Business Creators aims to create the UK’s largest and most inclusive entrepreneurial learning community for those aspiring to start or grow their business.
The Open University provides great flexibility. In actual fact, it's unparalleled in my view, when it comes to the service that they deliver.
Lee Partridge
Professional Development Unit Lead, North Yorkshire Police
Learn how IBM use OU apprenticeships to progress careers and move employers up its "ladder of opportunity".
Learn how the Isle of Wight NHS Trust changed their recruitment strategy in partnership with the OU to grow their nursing workforce.
Gain insights on how The Open University and the North Yorkshire Police deliver flexible policing programmes to serve the local area.
Gain insight on how Uber was able to give eligible drivers the opportunity to access fully funded education.
Get in touch to find out how we can help your business. For further information, contact us.